Cheapest Car Rental in Phuket

Самая дешевая аренда автомобиля на Пхукете

Available in Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Long terms

Доступно на ежедневной, еженедельной, ежемесячной и долгосрочной основе



การประกันการเสียหายขั้นพื้นฐาน (LDW) 

(ผู้เช่าต้องชำระเงินจำนวน 5,000 บาท กรณีเกิดอุบัติเหตุหรือเกิดความเสียหายโดยที่ผู้เช่าเป็นฝ่ายผิด)


To deliver rent-a-car service at the most practical manner, in terms of: most inexpensive rates, easiest requirements and delivers quality vehicles beyond road-worthiness. 


+66 61-852-5623


+66 80-387-8813

+66 94-592-9496

Long term rental, please contact us.

• 24-hour emergency assistance

• Fuel is not included in the rental fee.

• Basic Damage Insurance (LDW) 

(The tenant must pay 5,000 baht in case of accident or damage without the tenant's side. )

• We provide free customer pick-up and drop-off services at Phuket Airport.

• Unlimited mileage car rental service

General information

• Daily rental is 24 hours and excess hours account for 1/3 of the daily.

• Tenants must have a driver's license.

• All cars come with a full tank of fuel.


Our belief

The safest and most comfortable travel is your own ride. We believe that everyone deserves only the best vehicle with an affordable cost of services and easiest compliance of requirements.